Prices for the village in Archer Forest

ALERT to the Archer Forest community:

Worrying reports are coming to us: several players have been banned after long months of play. Imagine the disappointment of seeing all your progress suddenly disappear. Unfortunately, support seems to be saturated, as most queries go unanswered for months. Faced with this situation, it is difficult for us to continue to recommend this game. BE CAREFUL, this could affect you too!

If you're looking for an alternative, we tested Dragon Champions. The interaction with the developers is excellent and very responsive. If the idea of receiving substantial rewards appeals to you, do not hesitate to use the code:

  • ALUCAREGIFT before reaching level 15.

Therefore, we suggest you consider other fun options. To discover Dragon Champions, follow the link or explore other games you might like.

The link = Play Dragon Champions by clicking on this link

All the buildings in the village and their uses:

This information is very useful for understanding the buildings and benefits of Archer Village in Archer Forest. Here's a summary of what each building does:

  1. Archer Village: This is the main building in your village and allows you to construct other buildings.
  2. Diamond Station: Produces diamonds every 10 minutes, with a maximum stock of 24 hours. A valuable source of diamonds.
  3. Arrow Workshop: Increases the production of arrow levels by 1. This helps you create more powerful arrows.
  4. Spirit Land: Increases the number of pets summoned by 1. More pets means more benefits.
  5. Archer Statue: Increases the number of summoned archers by 1. More archers means more firepower.
  6. House of Spirits: Increases the slots available for your pets, allowing you to have more of them active at once.
  7. Guild Hero Statue: Increases the number of guild boxes. This can be useful for your guild.
  8. League Hero Statue: Increases your League score by 5 %. This can be crucial for your league ranking.
  9. Rune Piggy Bank: Generates level 1 runes every 8 hours, with a maximum of 24 hours. Runes are essential for your progression.
  10. Red Diamond Statue: Produces red diamonds, another type of resource, at a rate of 1 per hour, with a maximum of 24 hours.

By investing in these buildings and upgrading them, you can strengthen your progress in the game by obtaining more resources, pets, archers and other benefits.

What you need to set up the village:

Archer village level 1:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Unblocked :

  • The diamond mine
  • Arrow Workshop

Archer village level 2:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Unblocked :

  • The “SpiritLand”

Archer village level 3:

  • 18,000 diamonds
  • 50 red gems
  • 8 hours of construction

Unblocked :

  • archer statue
  • House of spirits

Archer village level 4:

  • 32,000 diamonds
  • 130 red gems
  • 10 black diamonds
  • 10 hours of construction

Unblocked :

  • Guild hero statue
  • League Hero Statue

Archer village level 5:

  • 66,000 diamonds
  • 360 red gems
  • 95
  • 1 stone bow 1* +1

Unblocked :

  • Rune Piggy Bank

Archer village level 6:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 800 red gems
  • 300
  • 1 3* iron bow +3

Unblocked :

  • Red Diamond Statue

Arrow Workshop level 1:

  • 1,000 diamonds
  • 5 minutes of construction

Arrow Workshop level 2:

  • 2,000 diamonds
  • 10 minutes of construction

Arrow Workshop level 3:

  • 3,000 diamonds
  • 40 minutes of construction

Arrow Workshop level 4:

  • 4,000 diamonds
  • 3 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 5:

  • 5,000 diamonds
  • 6 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 6:

  • 10,000 diamonds
  • 8 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 7:

  • 12,000 diamonds
  • 10 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 8:

  • 14,000 diamonds
  • 12 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 9:

  • 16,000 diamonds
  • 16 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 10:

  • 18,000 diamonds
  • 20 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 11:

  • 30,000 diamonds
  • 1 day + 2 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 12:

  • 33,000 diamonds
  • 1 day + 10 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 13:

  • 36,000 diamonds
  • 1 day + 10 hours of construction

Arrow Workshop level 14:

  • 39,000 diamonds
  • 2 days

Arrow Workshop level 14:

  • 42,000 diamonds
  • 3 days

Arrow Workshop level 14:

  • 50,000 diamonds
  • 3 days

Diamond Station level 1:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Diamond Station level 2:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Diamond Station level 3:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Diamond Station level 4:

  • 10,000 diamonds
  • 20 red gems
  • 10 minutes of construction

Diamond Station level 5:

  • 11,000 diamonds
  • 30 red gems
  • 40 minutes of construction

Diamond Station level 6:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Diamond Station level 7:

  • 20,000 diamonds
  • 70 red gems
  • 5 black diamonds
  • 6 hours of construction

Diamond Station level 8:

  • 21,000 diamonds
  • 75 red gems
  • 5 black diamonds
  • 8 hours of construction

Diamond Station level 9:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Diamond Station level 10:

  • 50,000 diamonds
  • 200 red gems
  • 15 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 1* +0
  • 12 hours of construction

Diamond Station level 11:

  • 51,000 diamonds
  • 210 red gems
  • 20 black diamonds
  • 6 hours of construction
  • 1 stone arch 1* +0

Diamond Station level 12:

  • 52,000 diamonds
  • 220 red gems
  • 25 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 1* +0

Diamond Station level 13:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 500 red gems
  • 150 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 2* +2

Spirit Land level 1:

  • 16,000 diamonds
  • 50 red gems
  • 1 wooden bow 1* +0
  • 16 hours of construction

Spirit Land level 2:

  • 31,000 diamonds
  • 125 red gems
  • 1 iron bow 2* +1
  • 20 hours of construction

Spirit Land level 3:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

Spirit Land level 4:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 780 red gems
  • 290 black diamonds
  • 1 stone bow 3* +3
  • 30 hours of construction

Spirit Land level 5:

  • 200,000 diamonds
  • 1,600 red gems
  • 775 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 5* +5


Archer Statue level 1:

  • 26,000 diamonds
  • 100 red gems
  • 10 black diamonds
  • 10s build

Archer Statue level 2:

  • 27,000 diamonds
  • 105 red gems
  • 10 black diamonds
  • 1 minute build

Archer Statue level 3:

  • 28,000 diamonds
  • 110 red gems
  • 10 black diamonds
  • 5 minutes of construction

Archer Statue level 4:

  • 29,000 diamonds
  • 115 red gems
  • 10 black diamonds
  • 10 minutes of construction

Archer Statue level 5:

  • 56,000 diamonds
  • 260 red gems
  • 45 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 1* +0

Archer Statue level 6:

  • 57,000 diamonds
  • 270 red gems
  • 50 black diamonds
  • 1 stone arch 1* +0

Archer Statue level 7:

  • 58,000 diamonds
  • 280 red gems
  • 55 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 1* +0

Archer Statue level 8:

  • 59,000 diamonds
  • 290 red gems
  • 60 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 1* +1

Archer Statue level 9:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 600 red gems
  • 200 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 2* +2

House of Spirits level 1:

  • 30,000 diamonds
  • 120 red gems
  • 1 stone arch 1* +0
  • 3 hours of construction

House of Spirits level 2:

  • 60,000 diamonds
  • 300 red gems
  • 65 black diamonds
  • 1 stone bow 3* +3

Guild Hero Statue level 1:

  • 64,000 diamonds
  • 340 red gems
  • 85 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 2* +2

Guild Hero Statue level 2:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 760 red gems
  • 280 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 3* +4

Guild Hero Statue level 3:

  • 200,000 diamonds
  • 1.5 red gems
  • 725 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 4* +5

Rune Piggy Bank level 1:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 250 red gems
  • 500 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 1* +2

Rune Piggy Bank level 2:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 250 red gems
  • 600 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 2* +3

League Hero Statue level 1:

  • 61,000 diamonds
  • 310 red gems
  • 70 black diamonds
  • 1 iron bow 1* +1

League Hero Statue level 2:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

League Hero Statue level 3:

  • I would like the information in the comments, thank you 🙂

League Hero Statue level 4:

  • 100,000 diamonds
  • 700 red gems
  • 250 black diamonds
  • 1 wooden bow 3* +3

Red Diamond Statue level 1:

  • 23,000 diamonds
  • 85 red gems
  • 1 wooden bow 3* +2
  • 8 hours of construction

Red Diamond Statue level 2:

  • 24,000 diamonds
  • 90 red gems
  • 1 iron bow 3* +3
  • 12 hours of construction

Red Diamond Statue level 3:

  • 25,000 diamonds
  • 95 red gems
  • 1 wooden bow 4* +4
  • 18 hours of construction

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