Bow Information | Archer Forest

ALERT to the Archer Forest community:

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In the game Archer Forest, there are currently three types of bows. Many thanks to Lycelra and the Archer Forest Discord community for this information.

Image of a bow in Archer Forest:

bow archer forest

Types of bows in Archer Forest:

Wooden Arch:

This bow increases the arrow level of the bow owner, which is particularly useful for increasing damage dealt.

Tip: It is recommended to equip it as a priority on archers such as Hedwig and Taurus (your DPS) to increase their striking power and their effectiveness in combat.

Iron Bow:

This bow increases the bow owner's archer level, which can improve the archer's abilities and passives.

Tip: It is wise to equip it on archers who offer the best passives. For example, on Brownie to increase his attack speed, which can be very beneficial in combat.

Stone Arch :

This bow allows you to increase the level of arrows produced, which is particularly useful for improving the levels of bows created.

Tip: It is recommended to equip it to speed up progression and increase the power of your archers by improving the levels of their bows.

Bearer bonus:

This is important information to note. Each bow can have an additional bonus if equipped by a specific hero. This means that the choice of bow wielder can impact the benefits you get. Make sure to choose wisely which hero will carry each bow to maximize in-game bonuses and advantages.

stars/bow rank:

The star level is not constant, everything will depend on the options

1* = +1~6 / +4~5
2* = +5~11 / +3~5
3* = +8~16 / +5~6
4* = +13~22 / +6~7
5* = +19~29 / +6~7

Improve the level of the bow, black diamonds

For those who are already looking for where to find black diamonds, a page will be released on it, you can find all the guides here:

To increase your bow, you need 50 black diamonds for the first level. Then calculate it = 50 * (X+1) The X = the level of your bow (improvement) so the level costs 400 black diamonds. Plus there are chances of missing your bow upgrade. So it costs several thousand black diamonds, don't build just any bow!

How to get a bow in Archer Forest?

Obtaining bows in Archer Forest can be a challenge due to the relatively low drop rates. Here are some methods for obtaining arcs:

  1. The mine : You can obtain 1*, 2*, and 3* quality bows by participating in the mine. This seems to be the best way to get high level bows.
  2. Guild Boss Chests : Guild boss chests have a drop rate of 1% for bows, making them another potential source.
  3. Deep Forest 3 & 4 : You have a chance of 0.1% to obtain high-level bows in the Deep Forest at levels 3 and 4.
  4. Archer Mines : You can also obtain bows by reaching certain depth thresholds in Archer Mines.
  5. Zelda's Circus : VIP4 Roulette at Circus of Zelda can also reward bows.
  6. Archer's Purse : If you are VIP1, you can access the Black Diamond Market and obtain bows.
  7. Mystery Dungeon : Green and red tickets from VIP/$/BD in the store can be used to obtain bows.
  8. Buy packs in the event tab : You can purchase special packs in the event tab that can contain bows.

This information is useful for players looking to collect high-quality bows to improve their archers in the game.

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