How to get Archer Forest black diamonds?

ALERT to the Archer Forest community:

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Archer Forest game tutorial on where and how to get black diamonds.

Black diamonds, what are their uses?

Black diamonds in Archer Forest have several important uses, including:

  1. Improved bows : You can use them to upgrade your bows, which is essential for increasing the performance of your archers.
  2. Shop : They are used in the store to purchase various items and upgrades.
  3. Village Improvement : Black diamonds can also be used to upgrade your village, which can increase your gold and rebirth income.
  4. Buying bows in the exchange market : If you have VIP status, you can use black diamonds to buy bows in the exchange market.

Since black diamonds are valuable and sometimes difficult to obtain, it is a good idea to use them strategically. It is recommended to spend them on upgrades that are essential for your progression, such as improving bows and the village, rather than spending them impulsively.

Where to find black diamonds?

It looks like the Forest Map, which was released at the end of October, is a great place to farm black diamonds in Archer Forest. With the ability to get up to 5 free refills per day and destroying trees in the village, this can be a valuable source of these diamonds.

It's always a good idea to look for efficient and free ways to obtain in-game resources, especially when they are essential for game progression. Don't hesitate to explore the Forest Map and make the most of these opportunities to get black diamonds.

How to get black diamonds?

This is great information to know! There are several ways to earn black diamonds in Archer Forest, including mining bows, selling bows on the auction house, traveling through deep forests, dominating guilds, and purchasing them from the guild store or in limited packs.

The diversity of black diamond sources gives players different options for obtaining them, which can be helpful for their progression in the game. It is a good idea to explore these different methods and choose the ones that best suit your play style and your needs.

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