Everything you need to know about Archer Forest: The basics

ALERT to the Archer Forest community:

Worrying reports are coming to us: several players have been banned after long months of play. Imagine the disappointment of seeing all your progress suddenly disappear. Unfortunately, support seems to be saturated, as most queries go unanswered for months. Faced with this situation, it is difficult for us to continue to recommend this game. BE CAREFUL, this could affect you too!

If you're looking for an alternative, we tested Dragon Champions. The interaction with the developers is excellent and very responsive. If the idea of receiving substantial rewards appeals to you, do not hesitate to use the code:

  • ALUCAREGIFT before reaching level 15.

Therefore, we suggest you consider other fun options. To discover Dragon Champions, follow the link or explore other games you might like.

The link = Play Dragon Champions by clicking on this link

In this article, we will explore the main tabs of the Archer Forest game and give you the essential information to progress more easily. Understanding each tab in the game is crucial to knowing what to do and when to do it!

Introduction: What is the purpose of Archer Forest?

Your mission is to become more powerful and defeat monsters. To do this, you will need to do more damage as your adventure progresses. To accomplish this, you will need to craft the most powerful arrows by combining them, and complete various tasks and activities to get bigger rewards. We wish you good luck on your journey, dear Archers!

The most crucial thing to remember is that progression largely depends on improving the level of your arrows. Each increase of one arrow level results in a 25 % increase in damage (the increase is exponential, meaning that +10 arrow levels does not represent +250 %, but +930 %), making it l The fastest and most economical option for increasing damage in the early and mid-game.

To access the next map, you need to reach wave level 100/150/200 in the current map. It is advisable to progress quickly through the maps until you reach your current damage limit and can no longer advance. Then you can upgrade to the current highest or second highest card for a few days until you have improved your arrow level.

When you can no longer progress to another map, it is recommended to stay on a map where you can clear easily until wave 70, then set auto-rebirth to that wave or wave 22 if you have the pet Hermes. (More on this will be available in an upcoming guide, so stay tuned for other Archer Forest tutorials on this guide.)

Since Archer Forest is a passive game, it is also recommended to leave your device on for extended periods of time to progress faster and maximize your rewards. Purchasing the ad blocking package (especially when it is on sale) will maximize your effectiveness, as it is permanent and offers many benefits.

The game also has many features such as PvP, pets, guilds, deep forest, archer village, etc. So we suggest you first review the information provided in-game by clicking on the game icons below before reading the Discord community guides and asking questions. (You can find this information by clicking on the game icons below).

game info icon

The different tabs of the game:

Bottom Tab Information

bottom game icon

The first tab, known as "Gold Upgrades", contains upgrades that require gold. These upgrades reset automatically after rebirth.

The second tab, named "Permanent Upgrades", includes upgrades that require Rebirth Stones and Diamonds, and all of these upgrades are permanent. This tab has four sub-tabs: Manage, ATK (Attack), Production, Special.

The third tab, titled “Arrow Inventory,” is where all of your arrows are stored and merged.

The fourth tab, referred to as "SHOP", is where you can collect or purchase various items, such as archers, runes, diamonds, pets, boss tickets, boss tickets in gold and gasoline.

The fifth tab, also called the "Archer Page", allows you to track the levels of your archers and get information about their skills and passive abilities.



Bosses are formidable enemies that you can face using Boss Tickets. When you defeat a boss for the first time, you receive a diamond reward, usually between 1,000 and 9,000 diamonds, as well as special boss cards, the quantity of which depends on the level of the boss. You can find bosses in the previously mentioned tab.

proba 1% gold boss card

After defeating Boss Lv.61, you will have the opportunity to receive a Golden Card, which is similar to a special boss card but provides significantly enhanced benefits.


Once you defeat Boss Lv.101, your chance of receiving a special boss card increases by 0.01 % with each additional boss level. At this point you will no longer receive diamonds, but red diamonds.


Regarding quests, these are missions offered to the player and which, once completed, are rewarded with diamonds (as illustrated in the previous example). They are essential at the beginning and in the middle of the game, because they allow you to considerably increase the player's diamond gains. The quests will end when you reach the quest "Max Level 150 Arrow", and your diamond earnings will then be significantly reduced.


Tip: If you have few Boss Tickets and receive the “Fight the Boss” quest, you may face a boss that you cannot defeat. By doing this, the player can get two tries for the quest by dying, then being reborn and dying again, all without using a single boss ticket.

Priority Upgrades:

When using Rebirth Stones, focus on improving everything you can in the "Permanent Improvements" tab, but prioritize the "Production" subtab. Additionally, it is recommended to fully upgrade your archers' ASPD (Attack Speed), CRIT Chance, and Cooldown Reduction to maximum as soon as possible. The maximum values to be reached will be indicated on the website or on the Discord server, which you can find at the bottom of the page in the FAQ category.

When using diamonds, the first thing you should prioritize is “hill expansion”. After that, use your diamonds mainly to improve the "Production" subtab in the "Permanent Improvements" tab. Additionally, invest in maxing out ASPD and Critical Chance (the max level will be indicated on the website or Discord server, in the FAQ category).

Runes and Totems


Runes can be acquired in a variety of ways, as noted throughout the guide. They offer several beneficial effects for your progress and will become particularly crucial at the end of the game. One way to get runes is to watch ads and spend a few diamonds to get four extra runes per day (500, 1000, 1500, 2000 diamonds). Players are recommended to start purchasing runes only in the mid and late game.

(Here is an example of runes shown below)


Totems are items that the player can purchase using diamonds to increase their gold income, rebirth, or the player's ATK (Attack) damage. All totem effects accumulate, even if only one active totem appears visually. Players recommend purchasing totems only in the mid and late game, as it is usually better to use diamonds to level up arrows. It is also advisable to never buy a gold totem, as it becomes useless at the end of the game. (An example of totem stacking is shown below).


Tip: Follow these daily

(1) Register as a member of your guild.
(2) Claim rewards and use both guild boss tickets to fight two different bosses.
(3) Claim two surprise gifts at 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., sent in the daily mail. (Reward: 500 diamonds / 1 rune).
(4) Use PVP tickets twice a day (i.e. once in the morning and once in the evening).
(5) Claim diamonds from the diamond mine (if present).

(See 👺guilds-and-families for more info on 1 and 2).
(See ⌛events for more info on 4)
(See archer village for more information on 5)

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