Dominion in Archer Forest

ALERT to the Archer Forest community:

Worrying reports are coming to us: several players have been banned after long months of play. Imagine the disappointment of seeing all your progress suddenly disappear. Unfortunately, support seems to be saturated, as most queries go unanswered for months. Faced with this situation, it is difficult for us to continue to recommend this game. BE CAREFUL, this could affect you too!

If you're looking for an alternative, we tested Dragon Champions. The interaction with the developers is excellent and very responsive. If the idea of receiving substantial rewards appeals to you, do not hesitate to use the code:

  • ALUCAREGIFT before reaching level 15.

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Dominion, unlocked once the player reaches max arrow level 100, is a daily mini-game. In this game, players have to conquer different regions to get rewards in the form of forest essence. To take control of a region in this mini-game, it is necessary to use "dominion tokens", which can be obtained by completing the challenge found in the "Dominion Token Challenge" tab. ). The number of Domination Tokens a player has corresponds to their best score in that challenge. It is important to note that in this game mode the speed is always fixed at 5x and gold upgrades have no effect.

It should also be noted that each player only has one opportunity per day to obtain domination tokens by winning the challenge.


The player is allowed three daily attempts at domination and there are five different maps, each with multiple regions to dominate. The fewer regions there are in a map, the greater the rewards for dominating that region. To dominate a region, the player must first fight waves of monsters and pass a required number of waves (example below).

Region in Archer Forest

Each player has three chances per day to try to take control of regions in Dominion. There are five distinct maps, each with their own set of regions to conquer. Regions containing fewer territories offer more substantial rewards for domination. To take over a given region, the player must first face waves of monsters and cross


If the region that the player managed to dominate is not taken over by another player and remains under his control, he will receive Forest Essence as a reward during the daily reset. However, if the player's region is conquered by another player, they will not receive the reward during the daily reset, and the conqueror's name will be displayed in the "Show Records" tab.


Here are some important tips for success in Dominion:

  1. Prepare your attack speed: Before entering a map, make sure you move to a map where attack speed is not penalized. This will allow you to have maximum attack speed, which is essential for success.
  2. Know that the monsters are formidable: Keep in mind that all monsters and enemies can kill you in one hit. Therefore, using the phoenix for resurrection is generally useless. Caution and strategy are crucial to avoid attacks from enemies.

These tips should help you improve your performance in Dominion. Stay alert and prepare carefully to maximize your chances of success.

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